These are all the great
places I check out for good fiction...
Fantasy This is an awesome page run by an awesome girl named
Holly. There's so many great things happening on this site. It's a definite
of Her Heart I'm completely addicted to this story. It's by
a girl named Amy. She just reels you into the plot and... just blows your
mind. Follow her links back to her main page. She has a couple novels going
and some great short stories too.
I Have to Give I stayed up one night reading this story and
I got in trouble for being up so late! That tells you something, doesn't
it? Go take a look!
Phat writer. Phat story. Just read it. It's essential.
I love this author. She's amazing and the story is an example of that.
I was ready to cry through half the story. =)
Fiction by Tan and Liz These girls are awesome individual writers,
so put them together and there's no boundaries for how far their imaginations
will stretch. "Restless Hearts" is one of my all time favs.
This is enough for now.
I have so many addies and such in my favorites it's hard to tear through
them all. Click da pic to head on back...